Last Neko 19/05/20 : Almost... Here...
Last Neko » Devlog

Hello, Franck here! I'm happy to announce that Last Neko is almost done! I am doing that for a challenge and a game jam, and this is highly probable I'll make a sequel and a revamp afterwards, since I'm pretty proud of what I am making!
To-do-list (apart from the hidden bugs chasing)
- Allow player to go back to main menu from the pause menu.
- Allow the player to exit the game from the main menu.
- Design of final boss and her patterns.
- Epilogue.
- Volume adjustments and some additional SFX (actually in bottom priority).
Hey look, listen! A final boss battle theme!
Now, for the log!
- Made the skaters from level 5 less laggy.
- Made the background of level 6.
- Made level design of level 6.
- Designed boss of level 4.
- Fixed a bug where the player were able to shoot and drop a bomb between levels.
- Slightly modified the bomb (visual)
- (off topic) Worked on the website
- Revamped the promo pictures.
- If you hit a bullet, the bullet is not destroyed anymore. (Don't worry about the invincibility time)
- Lasers are now blinking until they are activated.
- Improved the blinking of enemies whenever they take a hit.
- Made the patterns of boss level 4.
- Fixed a bug where stats (such as score, lives, bombs) were not resetted after a game over.
- Designed background of boss level 5.
- Added some bullets for boss 1. (Decorative ones).
- Added new kind of foes!
- Made the level design of level 5.
- Designed the boss level 5 but I didn't coded its patterns.
- Coded the patterns of the boss level 5.
- Made and added the music of the final boss battle.
- Implemented a local leaderboard and made it working.
The leaderboard is easily cheattable, but you won nothing by doing it. You know what the meme is telling.
I'm exhausted, it was a pretty productive Sunday full of coding and pizzas, but I'm pretty happy with the result, yay! See you later!
Get Last Neko
Last Neko
As a catboy, fight the corrupted half-dogs in this free bullet hell!
Status | Released |
Author | Hefka Games |
Genre | Shooter |
Tags | Boss battle, Bullet Hell, catboy, danmaku, Difficult, manic-shooter, My First Game Jam, Pixel Art, Top down shooter |
Languages | English |
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